This DIY Wedding or Bridal Shower game costs less than $10 to make and was a lot of fun. This is a great way for guests at the shower you’re planning learn more about the couple! This is a perfect game for the wedding shower of any couple who loves to travel!
What You Need
- 10 Pictures from Vacations, Date Nights, etc
- White Foam Poster Board
- Letter and Number Stickers
- Glue Dots
- Printer and Cardstock Paper
You can print out your photos from Walmart for only a couple of dollars, I picked up the poster board and letter stickers from Dollarma, but you should be able to find it at any dollar store or craft store. Glue dots can be found at a craft or dollar store, I got mine from Michaels, you can also use tape or regular glue.
I would recommend picking a few pictures that are easier to guess, pictures with landmarks are perfect for this game!

Take your poster board and plan a layout for your pictures. Once you find the placement you like, use the glue dots to secure them and add the numbers.
Now your game board is done and you just need to print out the game sheets! I’m supplying the game sheet I used below!
I recommend printing the game sheets on white cardstock, then cut the paper into the four game sheets.
After printing the game sheets, print out a sign explaining the game to display (optional). I’m including the one I used below.
This is a super fun game and addition to any Bridal or Wedding shower and we had a great time with it at our wedding shower!

Where Were They Game Sheets Free Download Here
Where Were They Game Sign Free Download Here